Mailing List Usage

Note: The Mailing List Server only accepts and processes messages from subscribed members. If you (still?) aren't a member, you may send messages but nothing will happen - so don't try.

As a Member you may communicate with all the other members using the following email-address:

Send a mail to the Mailing List, which will be received by all members

If Topica has subscribed you automatically to their News - List (to inform you about other Lists or Features of Topica) and you wish no longer to receive these messages from Topica, you may unsubscribe this list sending an email with no subject and no text to the following mail-address:

To unsubscribe from the Hg-net List, please use the Unsubscribe option in the "Edit Directory Entry". This option will delete your data from the Hg-net database AND unsubscribe you from Topica.